Three Tech Tools I Like
I'm proud to be a part of the ISTE leadership network. I am a member of several communities and believe that contributing to the proper use of educational technology. One of my goals this year is to explore the good and bad uses of educational technology. Too often, I am caught up in a new tool because it promises something or looks impressive only to find that its use is very limited or that it is too much work to learn, too time consuming for my students to use in class, or is so limited in the "free" version that it is useless. The truly good technology is rare and when I find it, I want everyone to know about it. I have a few of these tools that I'm excited to use this year. 1. Nearpod. This tool will always be among my tools, and I can't imagine going back to teaching without it. The interface is easy to access, it's easy to transform an existing presentation into a Nearpod , and there are lots of features to add into the lesson to make...