
Showing posts from September, 2017

My First Playlist in Personalized Learning.

I have wanted to try the Playlist method of giving students options ever since I first saw them last year, but I found it difficult to set up and execute with world history content. I was able to create a playlist for a mini-unit on Korea. I gave students three learning targets about Korea and then set up the Playlist page in Canvas. The three columns each were linked to other pages. The first was the instructions page, the second was the links to resources, and the third was the links to where students could go to turn things in. We began the lesson with an overview of the expectations and then students completed a goal setting sheet to identify a goal for what they could complete by the end of the class period.  Students could choose to work alone or with a partner.   Below is a sample of one of the slides from a student's work. We are still working on the skill of not writing complete sentences on their slides. But I'm happy about the student writing the le...

Adding Choice Options Using Technology

One of my goals this year was to increase the options students have for completing assignments through the use of technology. I started the school year by scaffolding the types of activities they could choose from. We would do them together as a class or in small groups so that they would know my expectations. As we build their toolkit of options, I will add to their options through the Canvas website. The first tool that they began to learn was Google Slides.  They created presentations in small groups to share with me.  They had a choice of 20 minute video to watch on early human history and then co-created a Google Doc with their notes from the videos.  Then they created a slide presentation on their video. I created the Google Doc and the Slide presentation template. These were shared with students in Canvas. Each group made a copy and worked as a team to complete and then submitted the completed document in Canvas as an assignment. The teamwork of students so...